Passenger Forecasting

Build predictable experiences across the entire journey

Monitor, understand and predict the behavior of the flow of people within one or several specific areas.

The AI does all the hard work

No experts needed. View dashboards and create alerts tailored to your needs. Easy to set up and even easier to use. Smarter decisions within everyone’s reach in just a few weeks.

Traffic and Parking

Discover user preferences for ground transportation and parking to create new revenue opportunities.

Monitor your customers’ behavior from outside the establishment.

Queue management

Plan the layout and new lane openings to minimize crowd congestion.

Flex and reallocate your agents where and when they are most needed.



Schedule cleaning and maintenance staff based on data and automatic alerts as demand fluctuates.

Reduce movement through facilities with live occupancy screens and user guidance.


Gates management (airports only)

Use flow and transfer patterns to improve gate control and distribution.

Improve Target-Off-Block-Time accuracy by predicting the appearance of gates.


Baggage arrival and claim (airports only)

Alinhe o manuseio e alocação de bagagens com os tempos previstos de aparecimento e recolhimento de acordo com o voo e disponibilize as informações para os passageiros.



Lines Reduction

Reduce wait times with complete visibility into queues, people density and dynamic lane balancing

Gaps Reduction

See live wait times for different checkpoints customized to your business needs

Expenses Reduction

Reallocate teams on demand with accurate AI-driven forecasts and recommendations

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